Sunday, December 2, 2018


This is coolbert:

French to the rescue?

From the latest edition of the DEBKAfile news letter:

"A French spy ship reserved for trouble spots joins USS Truman in Syrian waters"

24 November.

"The French Dupuy de Lome spy ship [A759] has reached Syrian waters and begun operating in conjunction with the USS Harry Truman and its five-ship strike force . . . the Dupuy le Lome, is reserved by the Directorate of Military Intelligence of France (DRM) for deployment to the world’s flash points ahead of or amid military flareups . . .  Beamed to the French ship is intelligence gathered by US reconnaissance aircraft in the air over Syria since last May. These USAF MC-12S EMARSS and MC-12W Liberty planes have for some months been making passes over Syria from their base on the island of Crete. command centers."

Not so much "spy" as intelligence gathering.

Read further of the MC-12, EMARSS and MC-12W aircraft and missions.

"Américains et français ensemble. merci et tout va bien"


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