Thursday, January 17, 2019


This is coolbert:

Beware Caesar the Ides! Beware boys the malware!

"This Knockout Instagram Girl May Be the USAF’s Most Cost-Effective Recruiting Asset."

"Airman Kelly Davis' depictions of life outside Air Force duty hours portray an adventurous, aspirational lifestyle that could help influence other young people to pursue an Air Force career."

"She has more Instagram followers than the Air Force’s new F-35 Demo Team. Her Instagram is followed by nearly as many people as the well-established Air Force Heritage Flight Instagram page. She has three times as many followers as the official USAF ROTC Instagram page. With 12,200+ followers on Instagram compared to 10,300 for the new, official U.S. Air Force F-35 Demo Team [and] there are more eyes are on her page than the Air Force’s most expensive demo aircraft."

Kelly Davis. Described as an airman!

And boys as I have said beware the Kelly. Not Kelly personally but images as might be found on Instagram and downloaded to your PC or smart phone. Entities, possibly foreign intelligence services hostile to the United States might have secretly embedded malware in those images, risque, enticing and alluring as they are. Malware that allows the unknown and hostile entities to take control of your PC or smart phone without your knowledge and use YOUR OWN device against you in some manner.

Read further a previous blog entry that describes such malware with additional links:


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