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Thursday, January 31, 2019

You possibly heard earlier than the 80/20 Rule which states that:
• eighty% of your revenues are generated by means of 20% of your clients
• eighty% of your earnings come from 20% of the goods

In each of the above instances, eighty% of your consequences can be done by means of 20% of your activities.

How can you use this idea to improve your enterprise profitability? the answer is straightforward. You want to consciousness on the pinnacle 20% of your clients who drive most of the people of your revenues. You want to pay more care to the ones people. Our problem is that we tend to take the ones people with no consideration. We feel we do not have to fear approximately these clients because they love us already. We get lazy with these clients due to the fact we know these clients are profitable. We then make investments big effort and resources to try to make our money-losing customers worthwhile. We end up making those money-dropping clients the focus of our advertising. The cause for this in my opinion is that marketers are commonly very happy with their products and services. They cannot imagine that a person would reject them. They could cross greater miles to persuade others of the merits in their carrier. so that they spend a number of efforts trying to chase this segment of clients who truely can't care much less approximately what they must offer.

The truth is money-losing clients are your deadweight and you may be better off in case you do away with them. these customers will never be worthwhile regardless of how hard you attempt to please them. You must hearth a horrific purchaser simply as you fire a terrible employee. in case you do no longer do away with bad personnel, the coolest personnel will leave and if you do now not do away with the terrible clients, no longer only the best customers will leave, but lots of your proper employees will leave as well. This step on my own has the capability of growing your profitability pretty.

Your subsequent step is to give your pinnacle 10% or 20% of customers loads greater smooth loving care and to offer more and more of some thing it is that makes those gold-plated customers love you so much. And treat them as the dear and constant buddies they're to you and your business, due to the fact you cannot live to tell the tale and prosper with out them. in case you reduce out the deadweight and took correct care of your gold-plated customers, your capacity to grow your enterprise might be straight away multiplied.

In those monetary times, groups are concentrating on seeking out ways to shop money, streamline operations, and do greater with less. you can make your enterprise green in specific methods. technology improvements and superior enterprise tactics can help you streamline operations. study directly to understand the approaches of streamlining your enterprise.

reduce the slackers

Deadweight personnel are not useful for your operations. discover ways to update them for better performance. they will no longer upload price for your own line and that they drag different employees to do the equal. hire the proper people and teach them to do the right thing to streamline your operations. decreasing these styles of human beings can increase your income and the productivity of different employees.

start a warfare towards paper

lessen the amount of revealed files and move paperless. determine if you really need paper for your operations. encourage other people to apply virtual documents to lessen clutter on their desks. Ask your clients to send emailed files in preference to sending faxes and printed substances. Use a file control machine to sort office work for long-time period garage and retrieval.

Being too lenient isn't exact

be mindful of a while. Make particular closing dates on critical tasks to become extra green. A mission can take either 10 mins or an hour relying to your cognizance. learn to distribute a while between paintings and private existence. Many humans merge the whole lot, and this is why they do not have a hazard to decide what's exceptional for his or her business. consciousness and correctness is the name of the game.

improve your processes

Use computerized structures that will help you do your techniques less difficult, quicker, and extra effective. search for ways to automate each technique. Use era improvements like audio conferencing for higher consumer attain and conversation. strategies can end up smoother when automatic approaches and your operations go hand-in-hand.

humans with a couple of abilities can do higher

make bigger your ability base with out the cost of hiring many humans. human beings with more than one capabilities assist you to streamline your operations. it is higher to hire an employee who can do each administrative and typical paintings than hiring two people to do every strong point. personnel with multiple capabilities are greater bendy and extra effective than personnel with constrained skill units are. you will additionally have extra options for delegation and functionality to take on a much wider variety of tasks.

encourage crew contributors

encourage your staff and offer incentives based totally from their contributions. Your workforce participants are the brains of your manufacturing, so it is ideal to provide reward them for his or her tough paintings. whenever your employees see you're doing all your exceptional to lead them to inspired, they will hold supplying you with first-class merchandise.

Streamlining your commercial enterprise operations would not imply you need to trade every method to make your enterprise green. look into every facet of your process and decide those parts that want development.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

This is coolbert:

From the controlled [?] Russian media outlet Sputnik a very dull, repetitive and misleading headline

"More Bang, More Buck: US Considers Adding ICBM Interceptors to F-35"

"In all likelihood, adding more bells and whistles to the F-35 can only make its $1.5 trillion program price more expensive, while experts have questioned if the plan is even realistic."

"The Pentagon's top research official is mulling whether to add air-to-air interceptors to the F-35's weapons arsenal in order to give the stealth fighters anti-ballistic missile capabilities, a new report says."

F-35 a POSSIBLE mission of missile interceptor but ONLY indirectly so.

The sensors of the F-35 have a POTENTIAL anti-missile capability. Those highly advanced sensors as embedded in the F-35 able to detect and track the boost-phase launch of an ICBM, providing to GROUND BASED anti-ballistic-missiles of the THAAD variety valuable data essential to a successful intercept.

This very topic as was discussed in a previous blog entry:


Please Sputnik, do not be so alarmist or misleading. Stick to reality and watch your headlines.


This is coolbert:

Yet one more headline courtesy the Russian controlled [?] media outlet Sputnik. More yawns?

"US May Send Warship Through Taiwan Strait Amid China Tensions - Navy Chief"

"In late October 2018, the Pentagon sent two US Navy vessels through the Taiwan Strait, in the second such operation that year. Beijing voiced serious concern about the move, while Taiwanese officials claimed that the island's defense ministry was in full control of the situation"

"The US Navy doesn't rule out sending an aircraft carrier through the Taiwan Strait despite risks related to China's increasing military capabilities, Admiral John Richardson, chief of the US's naval operations, said."

"'We don't really see any kind of limitation on whatever type of ship could pass through those waters. We see the Taiwan Strait as another [stretch of] international waters, so that's why we do the transits,'" - -  Richardson



Two warships hard qualifies as an international incident? Especially when sailing in international waters. This is much to-do about nothing?


See previous blog entry the topic of which was the Chinese Nationalists being an indirect winner of the Korean war.


Friday, January 18, 2019

This is coolbert:

As is the subject of a You Tube video the exploding sniper round as used by the German [Soviet also] during the Second World War [WW2]:


* My understanding has been that exploding rounds of this small caliber are outlawed by the St. Petersburg Declaration of 1868. The Hague Convention of 1899 outlawed expanding rounds [dum-dum bullets].

* Snipers of the era [Second World War] not even needing an exploding round anyhow. Most personnel their duty as a dedicated sniper meant an individual with extraordinary marksmanship skills. Enemy in almost cases vanquished by a head shot or a round to the center-line vitals of the body. Exploding round not needed for additional lethality.

* This exploding round will not detonate anyhow when striking soft tissue? Use as an anti-personnel round very limited if not almost non-existent in that regard.

* Modern exploding .50 [12.7 mm] Raufoss Mk 211 ammunition versatile when employed against objects such as thin-skinned vehicles, the cockpit or jet engine or a warplane on the round, etc. It is suggested the Raufoss round when fired against personnel might be illegal if the target wearing body armor? And how exactly from a range of a thousand meters does the shooter know the enemy is wearing body armor?

* $15 USD a shot! More of a collectors item than a round you would fire, even if you intend to make an informative and dramatic video!


This is coolbert:

Pirates of the Caribbean. Not a movie. Not a Disney World attraction. For real and very deadly.

Not cutlass and flintlock pistol either. Today AK, RPG and PKM.

From Spectator USA and the article by Colin Freeman

"Pirates of the Caribbean: How Venezuela’s near collapse is causing a crisis on the seas"

"Families are scavenging to survive. It’s not quite Somalia – but it isn’t far off"

"In lawless ports like Guiria in the Venezuelan state of Sucre, the pirates operate with near impunity, kidnapping Trinidadian fishermen and holding them for ransom. They also smuggle boatloads of cocaine and guns into Trinidad. Guns and coke are two commodities still widely available in Venezuela. On the return run, the pirates bring back the ordinary provisions that are in desperately short supply in their home country: nappies, rice and cooking oil. Think Narcos with speedboats and packets of Pampers."

That topic of modern-day piracy not an item as included in the blog for some time now. Think usually Strait of Malacca, Horn of Africa, Nigeria. And now in the ancient and venerable manner the Caribbean. As it was during the times of Henry Morgan and Jean Lafitte so as it is now in those waters contiguous to Venezuela.



Thursday, January 17, 2019

This is coolbert:

Beware Caesar the Ides! Beware boys the malware!

"This Knockout Instagram Girl May Be the USAF’s Most Cost-Effective Recruiting Asset."

"Airman Kelly Davis' depictions of life outside Air Force duty hours portray an adventurous, aspirational lifestyle that could help influence other young people to pursue an Air Force career."

"She has more Instagram followers than the Air Force’s new F-35 Demo Team. Her Instagram is followed by nearly as many people as the well-established Air Force Heritage Flight Instagram page. She has three times as many followers as the official USAF ROTC Instagram page. With 12,200+ followers on Instagram compared to 10,300 for the new, official U.S. Air Force F-35 Demo Team [and] there are more eyes are on her page than the Air Force’s most expensive demo aircraft."

Kelly Davis. Described as an airman!

And boys as I have said beware the Kelly. Not Kelly personally but images as might be found on Instagram and downloaded to your PC or smart phone. Entities, possibly foreign intelligence services hostile to the United States might have secretly embedded malware in those images, risque, enticing and alluring as they are. Malware that allows the unknown and hostile entities to take control of your PC or smart phone without your knowledge and use YOUR OWN device against you in some manner.

Read further a previous blog entry that describes such malware with additional links:

